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224 Blue Pill Oxycodone.
OxyContin, Roxicodone, Oxycodone Forum.
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Blue 224 Pill Identification
Pill bei OTTO
Can you inject 224 blue pillBlue pill Oxycodone 30mg marking on one side 224 . Or A 215, round, blue , and tiny. inject this stuff when they can 't get. new. Nfusion
can inject 224 blue pill oxycodone
28.03.2013 · Forums and message boards for OxyContin, Roxicodone, Oxycodone (generic).
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how to inject m 30 oxycodone i did plain water pill and got no feeling at all Doing this is actually very dangerous Oxycodone is a very potent narcotic Not only could
Hey all. So i have 2 white, round pills with 114 on one side with a score. These are 30 mg oxycodone hcl pills. I have seen many of the M 30's and the A 215's, but
Pill Identifier Results for "224". Search by imprint, shape, color or drug name.
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14.01.2012 · My husband is prescribed oxycodone hydrochloride 30mg for his back (his L4 and L5), and normally when he gets them they are blue with an "M" on one side