how early can i get my prescription refilled

how early can i get my prescription refilled
How many days early can you get a.Early Refills - Pain Management - MedHelp
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HOW TO GET MORE REFILLS FOR MY. How early can I pick up my prescription.
27.03.2009 · Best Answer: It depends on the drug. If it is a matter of a few days then the pharmacist will, in general fill the prescription. If the pharmacist knows
That's true BrandonI've had them fill a week early on C-III's and sometimes they won't go 2 days earlyJust depends on the pharmacy, the pharmacist, you, your
Can My Pcp Abruptly Stop My Pain.
I am curious of how many days BEFORE your refill date can you get your script filled. I live in Virginia and use Rite Aid pharmacy
how early can i get my prescription refilled
how soon can I refill my early are you usually allowed to pick.

01.12.2008 · Best Answer: It depends on what the refills are for,,, if they are for a controlled substance probably not,,, if they are narcotic no for sure. If they are
Does any one know if you can refill a narcotic script early ? it is for opana 40's I dropped it off at my pharmace early only 3 days early (I was not out)pharmacy
In our state you can't just call pharmacy for a refill of Oxy's you have to get another written prescription pick it up at the doctors office and hand carry to the
how soon can I refill my prescription.
"I'm here to pick up my prescription" "I'm sorry sir, your presription is all out of refills" "What? What does that mean? I have to be on this medication the rest of
Pretty typical example of the excuses that people come up with when trying to get their Vicodin refilled early. Welcome to the world of retail pharmacy.